How to Keep your Dog Calm During Fireworks and Storms
By Alisha Navarro
Fireworks, thunder, and lightning, oh my! With summer comes more sunshine, more outdoor adventures, and unfortunately, some serious stressors for your dog. The right preparation is the key to a happy pup, and we’ve got you covered with our 7 must-know tips for keeping your dog calm during fireworks and storms.
1. Acclimate your Dog to Loud Sounds
If you plan ahead, you can help your dog get used to fireworks by playing sounds of them at increasing volume over a period of three to four months. When the real thing comes, your dog won’t be fazed.2. Take a Walk
Long before you fire up the grill on the 4th of July, take your pooch on a long walk to tucker him out. Using the proper walking technique, you’ll expend your dog’s excess energy and make him calmer all day long!3. Create a Safe Space
Prepare a comfortable space with a blanket, a few of their favorite toys, and a treat or two. Once the fireworks begin to bang, let your dog stay there until they feel safe coming out. To find the perfect spot, consider a sound-proof area or where your dog naturally hides during a storm. If you’re at a friends house, bring your dog’s travel crate stocked with these items. Providing a familiar place with their favorite items will help them stay calm, even in a new location.